About KatzAbosch
KatzAbosch is an accounting firm based in Timonium, Maryland. They provide personal accounting, tax, financial and management consulting to their clients.
Video Production Shoot
On June 20th, 2022, The Dew Crew arrived at KatzAbosch in Timonium, Maryland to complete a day of video production. We started off filming corporate interviews in their Timonium office. Once the 5 interviews with the current employees and the president were complete, our video crew captured b-roll throughout KatzAbosch’s office.
Video Editing: Recruitment Videos
Now that the production day is complete, our team is working to edit two videos for KatzAbosch. One video will be about their company culture while the other video will be about being an intern. The goal of these videos is to recruit new employees by showing what it’s like working at KatzAbosch.
In July we finished up both videos for KatzAbosch. See their Company Culture video below: